Buell Hollister
Caught out in a blow
I was caught out in a storm last August. My boat, Glencannon, is a stout little Cape Dory motorsailor and took it like a champ. Go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djpzXCnBvjc
A long look back — and a quick one ahead
Honor What word is so lost, so unused and so dismissed in this world of trigger warnings, Ponzi schemes, term paper mills, “rape culture”, revenge porn, and hedge fund cheaters as the word honor. The word “diss” is used a lot, a strange truncation spoken as if the speaker just ran out of energy before […]
Amanda Belle
Here is a link to my latest short story; Entitled “Amanda Belle” it is about an extremely beautiful boat with a deadly attraction to a certain kind of guy. It was published in Temenos Journal. Go to http://www.temenosjournal.com/ to read it.
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