
Sea Tales from Buell

Caught out in a blow

Caught out in a blow

I was caught out in a storm last August. My boat, Glencannon, is a stout little Cape Dory motorsailor and took it like a champ. Go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djpzXCnBvjc

Amanda Belle

Amanda Belle

  A boat builder in Maine with a good eye carved her model in 1928, using soft pine — his thumb on the wood and a carving knife tucked inside his fingers so that he could bring thumb and fingers together as if he was milking a cow. He was a holdout, didn’t like the […]

Second Thoughts

A long look back — and a quick one ahead

A long look back — and a quick one ahead

Honor What word is so lost, so unused and so dismissed in this world of trigger warnings, Ponzi schemes, term paper mills, “rape culture”, revenge porn, and hedge fund cheaters as the word honor. The word “diss” is used a lot, a strange truncation spoken as if the speaker just ran out of energy before […]

Speaking of Age….

Speaking of Age….

Once upon a time, a long time ago,…..
